Vegetarian and Vegan


Whilst we prepare your food

Olives £5.00 Wasabi Peanuts & Smoked Almonds £4.75

Mini baguette with Bywater Farm salted Yorkshire butter £2.20 per person

(Vegan alternative available)


Pea, cider and watercress soup £8.95

Golden beetroot soup with fresh tarragon and pistachio nuts £8.95

(Vegan alternative available)

Fresh Burrata, tomato and chilli jam, olive and oregano bread, basil oil £12.95

(Vegan alternative available)

Pickled beetroot, green bean, apple, radish and basil salad, caramelised walnut £10.95

Twice baked Old Winchester cheese souffle, chive cream sauce £11.95

Sautéed mushroom, toasted muffin, garlic, and herbs from our garden £10.95

Main Course

Sweet potato, banana and cashew nut Malay curry, basmati rice, papadum £21.95

Asian stir-fried vegetables, noodles, peanut, coriander, sweet chili, lime and coriander dressing, Halloumi £22.95

(Vegan alternative available)

“Bruschetta” risotto with slow roast tomato, red onion, walnut pesto and rocket £21.95

(Vegan alternative available)

Mushroom and nut roast £19.95 (Sundays only)


Char grilled pineapple, rum ‘n’ raisin, vanilla ice cream £10.95

Banana Fritter, maple syrup, ice cream £10.95

Fruit granola crumble, custard £10.95

Mixed ice cream £9.95

Please note we are unable to offer reduced portion sizes
Please switch your mobile phones to silent.
Value added tax @ 20% is inclusive.
Service is not included.

If you have a food intolerance or allergy, please tell us as you order.
The onus is upon you to inform us of any allergy. Do not assume that because an allergen is not listed above, it has not been used in the creation of your meal.